I have glandular fever (known to those in the US as "mono" or the kissing disease) this is the reason I have been feeling worse not better every week since my "flu" started.
Apparently I am going to be unwell for the next few weeks, so have decided to lighten my load as much as possible.
Free Friday will continue on a weekly basis, but you will decide your own prize.
When you write in the comments, please tell me which pattern you would like and if you win I will gift that pattern to you!
This week's (fortnights) winner is 2, so that is Amchart - congrats, the Victoria pattern has been gifted to you via Rav.
- please include your Ravelry name or your email address (you can space it out to avoid spambots)- I will gift the pattern via Ravelry, if you do not belong to Rav I will email the .pdf to you- winner (s) are drawn sometime on Friday, this means "Friday afternoon/evening New Zealand time"- the winner (s) are chosen by random number generator (I use this one now)- you may enter even if you have won before.Please tell me which pattern you would like to win.
Take care and get lots of rest.
My two older sons came down with that a day apart. One was in Year 9, the other Year 10.
They had it really badly both of them and had the entire term off school, 15 weeks at the time. Each week there would be blood tests and each week the doctor would say, "not yet."
We used very little sugar in the house but they were told to put it in tea and coffee for energy. By the end of the day they were high and it it took a long time to wean from it once they were better.
We were told to give them lots and lots of green vegetables for the chlorophyll in them and they had to rest a lot. That wasn't hard, they could do little.
No fried foods or too much butter as mono affects the liver, it's a cousin to hepatitis.
Fortunately our doctor had just recovered from it and told us what had helped him. He also said it's much worse for teenagers than adults, so I hope you recover quickly too. Take care and allow yourself to rest.
hugs hope your recovery is faster then your expecting, but looking on the bright side lots of resting could mean more time to knit :)
i would love to win Riverstone, as it looks like it would be fun to knit
xmasangels on rav
I got that when I was 21, my partner(now husband) and I went down to Queenstown on the motorbike from Christchurch and I was falling asleep on the back; it wasn't until we got back home that I found out why I was so tired and running hot but feeling cold. Blood tests confirmed it, but I was lucky that it only lasted a few weeks, also that I didn't fall off the bike.
I'd love to win Mister Man; would be great for all the guys in my family
Thank you for the pattern! What a thrill to win. Victoria will look lovely on my 6 mos Regina. Can I get lucky two weeks in a row?! If so, I'd love to try my hand at Riverstone. Looks very interesting. Rav amchart theharts at windstream dot net p.s. feel better soon!
Oh no! So sorry to hear you're sick :( mono is terrible!
I always loved your pattern "Liam" and I would like to make it for Jude sometime... so if I was to win...I'd pick "Liam"
Get better soon...and get lot's of rest!
Oh you poor thing! Although at least you know what it is now.
I'd love to try my hand a plum blossom: I think both my girls would look lovely in it (and the older one is still young enough that having the same cardigan as her sister would be fun, not torture!)
(viola on Rav)
Look after yourself! I would love to win Victoria, Katie Snowflake or Roaring Meg - all gorgeous patterns!
Rav name: Noisybabe007
Oh Jussi! I had mono when I was in high school. Not fun at all. I'm sure everyone here would understand if you took a hiatus from these giveaways if you need to.
It's a tough choice, but I think if I win, I'd love to receive Plum Blossom cardigan. So cute! (cnuland on Rav)
I'm really sorry to hear that you are laid up with this. I know first hand what it can be like although my bout, a number of years ago now, was quite short-lived, fortunately. It seemed to involve the stomach as well as the liver and spleen (think) and the skin (I itched all over - phenergan was my friend!) but blood tests confirmed it as glandular fever.
Rest up, eat well and do all the other things you're supposed to do! In time you will start feeling like your old self again. ;)
If I'm really lucky I would love to win either Nikau or Plum Blossom - the hard part would be choosing!
KathyR on Rav
"HI" and sorry you are not well, have been missing your posts.
I hope the Frasier has been taking care of you and comforting you when you need it. take care and thinking of you! saskyumchar on Rav
P.S. Oh, if I win I'd like either Nikau or Mister Man... I guess I will decide when I win, haha!
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