Thank you all for your well wishes lovies, they are gratefully received.
I am definitely on the road back to health, due in no small part to the ministrations of my Mum and Flash (and the constant company of Frasier) and visits from our girls.
As anyone who knows me can attest, I do nothing by halves and I can't sit still so even during the depths of my illness life changing decisions were being made and big changes are afoot, all for the good of Just Jussi I must add.
Free Friday will continue in its current incarnation for a while, I like it this way, so tell your friends and networks to come and join in the fun!
This week's winner is 3, thats Rachelle, I have emailed you to check your details Rachelle. Rachelle chose the Mister Man vest - it is one of my all time faves, the Mister in question wore it to work today and always gets lovely comments.
So, go to the comments and tell me which pattern you would like - good luck!
- please include your Ravelry name or your email address (you can space it out to avoid spambots)- I will gift the pattern via Ravelry, if you do not belong to Rav I will email the .pdf to you- winner (s) are drawn sometime on Friday, this means "Friday afternoon/evening New Zealand time"- the winner (s) are chosen by random number generator (I use this one now)- you may enter even if you have won before.
So glad to hear that you are on the mend. I'd love a free pattern to celebrate your health. :) bellybelle on Rav
Got to be in to win eh Justine!
great that you're on the mend :)
WoolleyWonders on twitter
I love that you do this!!!! Thanks! I'd pick the cherry blossom pattern :) waldomd on RAV
I'd love to win a copy of Riverstone. Rav amchart theharts at windstream dot net
p.s. Glad to hear your doing better.
You are so generour Jus. I'm loving the Liam pattern. So cute. Get well soon.
Minimiss on Rav.
Mister man vest for my little man!
will I be lucky 7? Still tossing up between Mister Man & Nikau... glad you are getting better. By the way, even though the font you used today was a bit boring, it was easier to read than the one you normally use, so thanks and thanks! :) saskyumchar on Rav
Great news to hear you're feeling better.
I would love to receive Plum Blossom cardigan. (cnuland on Rav)
You are an inspiration. Keep up the excellent work!
Good to hear that you are on the mend. Onwards and upwards!
Glad you are on the mend!!
I would love to win Victoria, Katie Snowflake or Roaring Meg - all gorgeous patterns!
Rav name: Noisybabe007
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